About Bara, Your Transformational Life Coach

(pronounced as in barracuda… but I’m a whole lot friendlier!)

I believe that everyone deserves to experience joy and feel good... even if their circumstances aren’t ideal. I am working toward creating a world in which everyone gets to do that through a combination of coaching, energy work, writing, and speaking!

What I Do

I’m a life coach, energy healer, speaker, and a writer.

Transformational life coaching is my main jam! It lights me up and makes my heart sing. As a life coach I work with clients one-on-one. I guide and support them in releasing their patterns, insecurities and fears and developing confidence and intentionality in their lives and careers.

I’m also an energy healer. I practice Reiki, pendulum healing, and the Emotion Code, and regularly learn and practice new techniques. I incorporate energy work into my coaching for the clients who are interested, which leads to faster results than traditional coaching or therapy!

I also love to write and speak! Particularly, I love storytelling—especially sharing my own journey and day-to-day experiences. I find that others learn a lot through them and love it when people get to learn through my “mistakes” instead of making their own.

You can hear me speak on podcasts, such as The Yes Effect, or hire me to speak at your workplace, school, or event. I speak on topics including relationships/connecting with others, boundaries, increasing joy, and building confidence. I’m happy to custom cater a discussion to your audience or give an proven talk on relational self-care or “how to bring more connection into your life”. If you’d like to hire me for a speaking event or bring me on your podcast as a guest, send me an email and let’s talk!

How I Got Here

My whole life I’ve wanted others to know they belong and feel included.

There’s nothing like that feeling, right? Of being at a sleepover and knowing that the other kids want you there? At some point though, I stopped feeling like they wanted me there. Probably when one little girl told me that directly. And that feeling never really went away.

It didn’t stop me from enjoying life. I was extroverted and social and usually had big groups of friends. I was a pretty happy kid and a really happy adult. I became an engineer, moved around to different cities and eventually states, and grew a huge network of friends. But even though I’d go out and have fun with those people, I didn’t think I really mattered to them. That didn’t feel good, but I didn’t know I could or should try to change it.

In 2019 I realized I could do something about it.

I launched into a healing journey. It included a whole lot of twists and turns such as training as an energy healer and leaving my engineering job. You can read more about it on my blog, but what I really want to share here is that it was a difficult, often even terrifying, process. I had to reevaluate my whole identity, and that’s a pretty scary thing to do on your own.

Through lots of experimentation, trial and error, and eventual mentorship, I taught myself to reconnect with the intuition I had largely silenced. I was healing myself and feeling connected to everyone and everything. It was beautiful, even when difficult emotions would come up. Emotions that I’d actually allow myself to feel instead of pushing aside like I used to do. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

People began coming to me for their own healing, too.

As my life transformed I began unofficially coaching multiple people. I became aware that it was something I had been doing my entire life, but I was better at it now. Actually allowing yourself to get close to people will have that effect. It was clear that life coaching was something I was meant to keep doing, so others wouldn’t have to go through an arduous and frightening healing process on their own.

Although I expected to emerge from all of this self work as a beautiful butterfly, it turns out that I’m still the same kid I was when I was 8. The one who helps the other kids see themselves for the beautiful beings they are, embrace themselves, and have fun. While I still am that kid, I experience life differently now. I no longer worry about whether or not I fit in or belong because I know that I do. I know that we all do, and I love helping others realize the same.

How to Connect

If you’re interested in Transformational Life Coaching, I would love to get to know each other better and discuss how I can support you in a free discovery call. If we do work together I’ll guide you along the journey and support you as you go. And if you’re into it, we can incorporate energy work (aka energy healing), facilitating the process.

If you are interested in bringing me in as a speaker or as a guest on your podcast, or have questions you want answered before moving into a discovery call, you can email me at bara@baraco.org.

In June of 2023 I set out on a quest to explore the U.S., spend time with people I love, and find a home I felt a soul connection to. After 4.5 months of exploration I fell in love with Placer County in Northern California. I do most of my coaching and energy work online, and I love collaborating at both virtual and in-person events. If you’d like to work together, please reach out!

  • bara@baraco.org

  • Let’s get to know each other better with no cost or obligation

  • On the 12th episode of the Curious Creatrix we discuss creativity, mindfulness, and a whole lot more!

Bara stands on the beach in workout clothes on a cardigan. She has a loving smile on her face and you can see the ocean and hills in the background.

Walks on the beach bring me great joy! (Redondo Beach)

Background and Credentials

  • BS Chemical and Biological Engineering - University of Colorado @ Boulder

  • MS Chemical Engineering - Colorado School of Mines

  • 2 years in operations management @ Pepsi Beverages Company (Denver, Co)

  • 7 years of various engineering roles @ Chevron (Louisiana, Houston, SoCal)

  • Usui Reiki Level II certified practitioner

  • Lemurian Crystalline Energies Master Program Level 3 certified practitioner

  • Meditating since 2017

  • Facilitating guided meditations since 2019

What People Are Saying


“Bara's calm and fully present energy put me at ease and opened me up to receive what needed to come through during the session. She's nurturing and her passion to help shines.”

— Erin

“Bara's energy and mindful work has helped me immensely. Thank you for all your patience, non-judgment and wonderful recommendations. I look forward to working with you for many years to come!”

— Stacy

Disclosure: Please note that I am not a therapist or mental health professional. I am not trauma informed and do not work with trauma or traumatic experiences. I do highly encourage therapy for anyone who thinks it may benefit them, and Mental Health America provides some great resources for finding mental health support.