The Power of Imperfection: How to Inspire Others to Live Their Best Lives
One of the most important things you can be is imperfect. Not just for yourself, although imperfection is an essential ingredient of “living your best life”. If you never try anything until you’re perfect you’ll be stuck doing the same things forever; you’ll miss out on a lot of potential fun.
It’s also important to be imperfect for the sake of others. When you show up “imperfectly” in public it gives others permission to do the same.
When I was in college, watching a friend smile as they danced imperfectly changed my life forever. This friend had no rhythm, but it didn’t matter to them or to anyone around them. And suddenly it didn’t matter to me.
After a decade of being embarrassed to dance in public, I stopped worrying about how others would judge my moves. I let loose on the dance floor, and I had a blast.
Having a blast on the dance floor with the source of my questionable moves (thanks, Dad!)
I’ve had hundreds of good times on the dance floor since, and I have my perfectly imperfect friend to thank (internally; I don’t see a need to share my perception of their rhythm with them). I don’t think many people would call me good at dancing, but I’ve got a bit of a reputation for getting the dance floor started. I think my imperfection may be partly responsible. Now I’m the one who shows up imperfectly, giving others permission to do the same.
I’d love for you to pause and reflect with me, if you’re up for the task:
Is there a proverbial dance floor in your life? Have you been holding back from doing something you might love, because you worry you may not be “good enough”?
Now imagine that there’s someone else lurking in that space. Someone who is more afraid than you are. Someone whose life could change for the better if they went for it, if only they weren’t too afraid to try.
What if you showing up would give them permission to do the same? Would you be willing to go for it then?
Can you give yourself permission to try? To dance like nobody is watching, even if other people may be watching? If not for you, can you do it for them?
If this resonated and you’re ready to make that commitment to yourself, I’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment or email me at and share what it is that you’re going to do. If you’d like I can check back in with you in a couple of weeks, to give you a little accountability and support.
Do you follow this logic but still feel afraid?
I get that. Fear of rejection is a very real thing. I help my clients release it through energy healing and a comforting container of support. If you’d like to understand how this might work for you book a free discovery call and let’s chat.
Hi! I’m Bara. I’m a transformational life coach and speaker. I help people transcend limiting beliefs, master the art of transforming negative thoughts & emotions, and make happiness a habit. If you’ve read all the books and put in the effort but still don’t have the joy, confidence, and inner peace you crave, let's chat!